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This week we’re sharing how Your Co-op Travel saw a high volume of bookings and revenue from this year’s highly efficient direct mail campaign.

Many travel brands found themselves at a standing start after the Coronavirus pandemic.

Following a year of travel being severely impacted by lockdowns and restrictions, many brands were waiting in the wings ready to serve travel consumers.

Your Co-op Travel was no different, with market-leading policies to protect consumers.

Your Co-op Travel wanted to encourage their previous customers to book their upcoming travel with them.

So, we set to work.


Ever-changing regulations and frustrations of booking travel experiences in 2020 meant acquiring new bookings was challenging.

In other words, a cluttered market made it challenging for brands to speak efficiently to new and existing customers.

Your Co-op Travel wanted to deliver tailored communication to re-engage past customers and encourage repeat bookings.

However, with the market challenges at hand, they needed our advice and guidance on the best media to use.


Firstly, persona creation was a key step in the process. Understanding what mattered to existing customers and their relationship to travel was vital.

Secondly, we crafted an integrated media strategy across key channels.

The media strategy and audience research identified that direct mail was highly efficient in engaging the target audience. Furthermore, increased understanding meant messaging was tailored to needs and motivations.

As a result, the messaging promoted Your Co-op Travel’s point of difference to the other travel providers, harnessed awareness and reassurance, and guided customers to rebook with confidence and trust.

After this process, customers were targeted by a personalised 6pp bright naked mailer landing directly into their home.

We used a highly trackable multi-CTA. Through these CTAs, we directed customers to a branch address, an individual phone number and the website.


With customer data at the centre of our targeting approach, we were able to report on the campaign’s success with 100% accuracy.

The Brazil Street match-back process meant we could match bookings directly to customers that had received communication.

Furthermore, sales data from Your Co-op Travel revealed the value and scale of these bookings.

The campaign delivered an astounding 0.006% COS, demonstrating how efficient direct mail can deliver incredible results!

Furthermore, the client is now exploring how we can consistently use this format to engage previous customers. This will deliver a steady stream of bookings to the business.


Interested? Speak to us about delivering efficient direct mail campaigns for you.